
Game up

for change

Why Sport for Development?

Sport is a powerful catalyst for social change, improving health, education and community cohesion.

It promotes physical and mental well-being, improves academic performance and teaches life skills such as teamwork and resilience. Sport bridges social divides, empowers marginalised groups and promotes gender equality. Economically, it creates jobs and boosts local economies through events and tourism. Sport fosters community pride and volunteerism, and serves as a tool for peace and conflict resolution. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, sport drives progress in health, education, gender equality and community development, creating more inclusive and sustainable societies.

Who we are

Partnering for change

The Sport for Development (SfD) consortium is a Dutch government-funded program designed to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. It is based on the belief that sport-based initiatives can be a powerful and cost-effective means for achieving development objectives such as health, education, gender equality, and peace (SfD, 2004). SfD promotes a world where children and youth actively contribute to vital communities through sports and play. Next to the focus on social development, the SfD partnership aims to support the trade and diplomacy agenda of the Dutch government.

Who we are

Our partners

The Sport for development program is implemented by a consortium of International Sports Alliance (ISA), Right To Play (RTP), Royal Dutch Hockey Association (KNHB) and Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB) – in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry. Each partner contributes unique knowledge, expertise and a unique network.


Every young football player deserves a good coach, a WorldCoach

Jesse Beesems Projectcoordinator KNVB WorldCoaches

Playing is vital! Through sports and games, children learn important skills that have a positive effect on their development.

Lisa Wijkel Institutional Manager RightToPlay Netherlands

With the SFD program we hope to contribute through sport to a world in which everyone has access to high-quality education and equal opportunities. A world in which everyone can live (together) safely and boys and girls can fully participate and be accepted.

Philippe A. Evers Business Development Coach, RVO

We work in areas where and with people for whom it is not self-evident that they have a fair chance at a better life. Through sports they can achieve that.

Floris-Jan Bovelander Ambassador KNHB

We believe that by activating the potential of the largest young generation, underserved communities will change. The way to unlock this potential is by sports.

Leonie Hallers Director International Sports Alliance
Where do we do this

Our locations

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Game up For change Game up For change Game up For change Game up For change Game up For change
18 Countries we are active
3.881 Coaches trained
206.493 Persons reached